Some days it can get hard to remember why you should be on this earth.
We have tried all kinds of things to get away from suicidal thoughts. Believing God would shut us out of heaven. Thinking of family and friends and how hurt they would be. Imagining how painful dying would be. You name it.
These things might actually work for some, so down brush them off too quickly.
They have just not proven to be the most effective for us.
Our best tool against wanting to die is the bucket list.
We have made a list of 100+ things we want to
experience with our senses
achieve and
leave as a legacy
before we die.
When life doesn’t seem to make sense and we think that we can’t possibly go on, we take out the bucket list and read.
There are sparks of life in those dreams, wishes, hopes and longings. They are deeply rooted in our being, much deeper than the passing despair we are experiencing.
Some might be funny, some heroic, some remind us that there are people around us and we still have plans to do things together. Some wake passion that got buried under depression, some seem silly but they are meaningful, some might be impossible, but simply having this wish makes us a different person and reading it reminds us of who we are.
Take some time, write down your bucket list today. Add to it whenever you think of it. Inspire yourself when you need it the most.
Life is worth living. There is so much out there waiting for you. Remind yourself of that every now and then.
You might also be interested in Safety Plan (suicidal)
Thank you so much for this website. Honestly I think this is the most helpful information I’ve found for CPTSD ever! It’s comforting to know someone out there who understands.