When people think of journaling they usually think of free writing, which is the most difficult way to work with a journal. Especially when struggling with grounding and self-regulation we need a more structured approach that offers safe boundaries and guidance. Journaling exercises are not typically taught in therapy, which is why I will share […]
The Journal in Trauma Therapy
Trauma therapists often recommend keeping a journal, especially when people struggle with dissociation or DID. But the great majority of patients experience difficult emotions, frustration or boredom when trying to write and quickly give up. The advice wasn’t bad. A journal can help with: grounding reflection system work emotional regulation memory work/ amnesia documentation of […]
Reality check
Making sense of the world is not one action, it is a chain of mental actions. We have to perceive something with our senses. Our brain filters what it considers important to reach our awareness. We compare our perception with our memories and experiences and the additional information the situation is giving us, put together […]
Calming your Inner Child: Help for stressed Littles
You don’t need to have DID to have younger parts inside of you who might sometimes get agitated, scared, confused and stressed. Ignoring them and pushing through will not solve the problem long-term. You use dissociation to even make it possible and it will only increase the inner despair. Calming Littles is not as difficult […]
Being with our Selves: Integration for structural dissociation
If we experience repeated and ongoing trauma, especially as a child, our ability to make sense of us and the world will get hurt. We can’t integrate our experience of pain and apparently normal life, a perpetrator being a caregiver and an abuser, us being innocent and feeling guilty, feeling shame and anger and helplessness […]
Staying with ourselves – integrating our trauma history
Trauma is full of pain and unbearable feelings. It is a natural response to not want to feel that. So we numb our emotions, disconnect from the awareness of our bodies and avoid the memories. This is a very useful strategy to get through the trauma without having to experience all of it. But it […]
Being triggered and what to do about it
Living with trauma means that we will be triggered. It is part of the definition of PTSD. If the question is not “if” but “when”, we need to find a way to deal with it. Step 1: Notice that something inside you was triggered and understand your current experience as a reaction to the […]
Organizing critical situations (difficult days)
We like to have an organized life. When things start to get difficult we have a phased plan for a structured retreat that makes it possible to keep up self-care and the most important duties, while reducing stress and saving energy. We think of it like a rocket that drops different parts at certain points […]
The polyvagal theory for PTSD
This post is based on „The polyvagal theory“ by Stephen Porges. The book describes a mostly scientific theory about the nervous system, specifically different parts of the vagus nerve and how it is related to stress and social interaction. The details on the anatomical side are boring and difficult. So we will butcher it, take […]
Team Meetings and conflict solving (DID SystemWork)
Roll calls can help your DID System to manage situations in daily life, but they are not enough to support your SystemWork long-term. You need something that is equally organized, but that allows for more of a conversation than just a short report. You need a team meeting. [There is actually no need to have […]
Tools for helping someone out of dissociation
If you are friends with someone who dissociates, you might want to learn how to help them, in case it happens while you are around. Here are different interventions you can use to interrupt dissociation and support grounding. Tell them that they are dissociating. People often don’t notice. If they get a hint, they might […]
Your (scrap)book of resources
To support therapy and stabilization it helps to collect all the resources you have found or learned and keep them in one place. That is why we own a resource (scrap)book. It is a visual and tangible reminder of helpful and positive things. Being creative when making it also deepens our understanding of our coping […]