If we experience repeated and ongoing trauma, especially as a child, our ability to make sense of us and the world will get hurt. We can’t integrate our experience of pain and apparently normal life, a perpetrator being a caregiver and an abuser, us being innocent and feeling guilty, feeling shame and anger and helplessness […]
Team Meetings and conflict solving (DID SystemWork)
Roll calls can help your DID System to manage situations in daily life, but they are not enough to support your SystemWork long-term. You need something that is equally organized, but that allows for more of a conversation than just a short report. You need a team meeting. [There is actually no need to have […]
Resource Game for DID SystemWork (ft. Unicorn)
A while ago we created a resource-oriented game to play with our DID system. We were looking for a playful way to get together and do things that create a relational experience as well as lift our mood and support our DID SystemWork. (If you don’t have DID, keep reading to find out how you […]
Balancing a dissociative System (DIDSystemWork)
For years I have been on a quest for balance for our DID system. Not just ordinary balance, perfect balance. We started out in chaos and I restored daily structure. I restored rhythm and routines and a system for adulting. And everyone was thankful for that. Then I tried to establish a daily schedule, with […]
Taking down Goliath – integrating abuser-imitating parts
Most DID systems have a Goliath inside. A Giant, strong, mean, abuser-imitating, who comes forth to intimidate and declare war on us. Often we stand there like the Israelites, scared and convinced that we are doomed. I will share with you the 5 stones a David could pick up to face a DID Goliath. They […]
Characteristics of a good DID Therapist
DID Systems often have good intuition about who can help them. We are open to share with therapists who show certain characteristics, even if they are not specialists yet. We looked at the last 10 therapists we worked with and compared them. Here is what we found (in no particular order, not claiming that it […]
The inner Archive (SystemWork)
During Phase 1 of your therapy (stabilization) working through traumatic memories is not the main focus. But that doesn’t stop trauma memory from coming up. So, what do we do with that? The answer is containment. We have already introduced you to the basic and advanced version and one that is littles-friendly. Now let us […]
Roll call (SystemWork)
There are different ways to “check in“ with yourselves, but the shortest one is probably the roll call. Roll calls are usually done with the military or police. Everyone get in a line, is called up by name and responds by giving the information asked for. It is an organized and structured way to check […]
For christian counselors: on deliverance ministry
If you are an atheist or fundamentalist and looking for a fight, please go away. This article is not for you. I will not tolerate disrespectful comments. If you know that you will be offended by anything christian, please stop reading now. I am not attempting to offend and seeking offense is immature love. I […]
SystemWork in a Sand Tray
A sand tray is especially interesting when working with a DID system. Things become visible, tangible. We are using an „Inner world technique“. Maps A sand tray can help you with mapping. You can find figures or symbols for all of you and place them in the tray in a way that describes your […]
Negotiating relaxation (SystemWork)
If you read relaxation and maybe you even tried it you might have noticed that it created unrest inside. Maybe not all of you are ready to relax. But relaxation is am important part of self-care, you all need the balance of tension and relaxation to be healthy. Have an inner team meeting. Get […]
Why DBT Skills don’t work
DBT is a decent therapy for borderline personality disorder and it can teach us a lot about regulation. It is also not meant to be used for trauma or dissociative disorders. That is why we will run into problems, when we try to use DBT skills here. The concept of dissociation in DBT is one […]
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