Create greater stability for your soul by investing in more stability for your body. Your body is not a separate thing. What you do to your body will always have an effect on your soul as well. You can use this and influence the well-being of your soul by taking care of your body. We […]
The magic store (guided imagery)
In this guided imagery we will explore a special store full of magical items that can help us get through the day. The idea is to add strength where we feel weak, increase a sense of safety and protection and grow courage for tricky situations ahead. Some might want to start their day with this […]
negotiating sleep (SystemWork)
If you have DID all the rules of Insomnia – basic sleep hygiene apply, you just might have to work harder to establish them. There are several different reasons why sleep might be a problem for you. Sometimes certain parts like to stay up at night. They consider it „their“ time. Find everyone who might enjoy […]
Insomnia – basic sleep hygiene
Insomnia sounds like a small problem compared to flashbacks and dissociation. But the pain is real. The whole being is effected, body, emotions, mind. Insomnia is a symptom that in itself increases other symptoms. Your risk to have a flashback or dissociate is higher, when you are tired. It can have an influence on your […]
The Safe Place part 2 (SystemWork)
If you have DID the Safe Place exercise will serve you in different ways. It can be a tool to shape areas in your Inner World to meet your needs. The Inner World follows the rules of a fantasy world. You can create things and they become inside reality. The first things you should create […]
The Safe Place part 1 (guided imagery)
The Safe Place is one of the standard exercises for trauma therapy. The idea is very simple. When you feel stressed and anxious you imagine to be in a safe place. It is just as easy as it is difficult. The exercise will give you a chance to withdraw from a difficult situation long enough […]
Introduction to guided imagery
Guided imagery is an important tool in trauma therapy. The positive effects are significant. The things we imagine influence our emotions and stress level. You can test this: Imagine you are in a small boat in the middle of the ocean, there are huge dangerous sharks all around you and there is a leak […]
Creator of your Life
The Bible tells us that mankind was made in the image of their Creator. What does that mean? I believe that we were designed to be creators too. Creators of our own life. I am pretty sure that our modern standard life of going to school, working 9-5, marriage, kids, a house and a dog […]
Compass of shame
Chronic shame accompanies trauma and (together with helplessness) it seems to be the most destructive feeling we experience. We don’t have 5 steps to end shame. We can just share bits and pieces of insight about this. It’s not going to be enough. We haven’t found a way out of shame yet. Some T’s believe […]
Aromatherapy part 2 (essential oils for depression and dissociation)
This is the second part of our interview with an aromatherapist, discussing how essential oils can be used to support people with PTSD. In this part we will speak about depression and dissociation. You can find the first part here Aromatherapy part 1 (essential oils for anxiety and insomnia) Theresa: We are back with more […]
Aromatherapy part 1 (essential oils for anxiety and insomnia)
This post is based on an interview I had with an aroma therapist. Aroma therapy is the half-science of how to use essential oils to support health and well-being. We met to discuss the use of essential oils for the problems that accompany PTSD: anxiety, insomnia, depression and dissociation. Theresa: Hi! Thanks for having […]
Unpunishable (core values)
One of the reasons for our great success with system work are the core values and beliefs it is based on. We believe that control over other people is a myth. You can try to force people, try to manipulate them, but in the end they always have a free choice, if they want to […]
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