One of the reasons for our great success with system work are the core values and beliefs it is based on. We believe that control over other people is a myth. You can try to force people, try to manipulate them, but in the end they always have a free choice, if they want to […]
guilt – a christian solution
One of the main themes of the Bible is the question of how to solve the problem of sin and guilt. Guilt is as old as mankind, starting with Adam and Eve, who made a free choice to break the one rule given to them “do not eat from this tree”. The rest of the […]
Dealing with Guilt
For trauma patients it is normal to struggle with feelings of guilt . You are not alone with this. Let’s look at the difference between guilt and shame first. We like these short definitions: Guilt is thinking that you did something wrong. Shame is thinking that you as a person are “wrong”. Dealing with […]
Story of a Listener
This is a story someone in our system once wrote Once upon a time in a distant country there was a millers son named Robin. He was a younger son, so he did not inherit the mill, which wasn’t bad at all cause he didn’t care about milling that much. He spent his […]
The 3-minute-challenge (difficult days)
Some days are just hard. You feel weak, exhausted, mere discipline doesn’t work and you start to feel overwhelmed when thinking about all the stuff that needs to be done. This will just make you feel weaker, more stressed and you will do even less. Time for the 3-minute Challenge. The goal is to get […]
The BASK-Safe (advanced containment)
Especially when you are in the middle of trauma work you might experience that your common containment safe or whatever imagery you use for containment might not work as long as you would like it to or small pieces escape your safe. That is when we use a “BASK”-safe to lock things away for good. The […]
How to work with Skill-Lists
Lists with Skills are awesome and inspiring. But you need to work with them to shape them into a tool you can use. This post will help you organize your Skills so that they are ready when you need them. When it comes to Skills I want to give you biblical advice: “Test them all; […]
Skills for Yellow area (6/7): Distraction
This post is based on The window of tolerance Because our main goal is to stay within the window of tolerance, we need to learn how to regulate ourselves within the yellow area. We distinguish between self-regulation and relational regulation. Most people favor one or the other, but it is important to be able to use […]
DID-adapted behavior chain analysis (system-harming behavior)
If you struggle with self-harm and dissociation and you have had DBT you will have worked with a behavior chain analysis. (If you struggle with self-harm and dissociation and you did not have DBT we highly recommend doing it.) We love the behavior chain analysis, but there are limits. Sometimes other parts commit the self-harm, […]
The Path of Forgiveness
As a christian I am concerned about the way some christians, but also some therapists, push trauma survivors to forgive. Yet I believe that forgiveness is important. While I believe that forgiveness is a choice, this is too simple . It is tempting just to speak the words and then keep avoiding the inner experience. […]
It’s magic: chase away nightmares
Imagination is a powerful tool. It’s like magic. You can learn how to use it to create peace and calm in your every-day life. We have nightmares. Even looking at the bed and imagining sleep causes stress, despair and terror. Littles refuse to sleep. Sometimes we wake up from a nightmare and there is no […]
overcoming your death wish (bucket list)
Some days it can get hard to remember why you should be on this earth. We have tried all kinds of things to get away from suicidal thoughts. Believing God would shut us out of heaven. Thinking of family and friends and how hurt they would be. Imagining how painful dying would be. You name […]