This post is based on The one most important concept you NEED to know to stop dissociation: window of tolerance To avoid dissociation we are trying to regulate ourselves within the yellow and green area. Strictly speaking, skills for the green area are not “skills” as we know them. They qualify as “prevention” but I want […]
Planning for anniversary reaction (difficult days)
You might have noticed, that there are certain times of the year that always cause you to struggle. For many survivors those are christian holidays birthdays pagan holidays anniversaries of trauma … This is called “anniversary reaction“. PTSD symptoms usually spike during these times, flashbacks, body flashbacks, depression and anxiety are common. The positive thing […]
Safety Plan (suicidal)
When struggling with suicidal thoughts, it is helpful to have a plan you can follow to keep yourself safe. This plan should be made in advance. Thinking isn’t very clear during a crisis and you won’t be able to come up with a good plan. This is a rough outline so you can write […]
Containment (imagery)
Because our main goal is to stay within the window of tolerance, we need to learn how to regulate ourselves within the yellow area. We distinguish between self-regulation and relational regulation. Most people favor one or the other, but it is important to be able to use both in order to react appropriately in different […]
Staying Organized despite dissociation (Life Skills)
Especially when you are struggling with amnesia and your memory lets you down frequently, it becomes a priority to organize life and use the best tools available. Food (and drinking) logs can help you keep track of your intake. Keeping an eye on finances protects you from ugly surprises. Daily to-do-lists can help you not […]
Negotiating relational regulation (SystemWork)
If you have DID and you read Skills for Yellow area (6/7): relational regulation it might have caused unrest inside. Most systems struggle balancing relational regulation. This is normal. Splits happened in situations with unsafe others and there was probably no helper around. It is normal for parts of the system to either crave this […]
Relational regulation
This post is based on The one most important concept you NEED to know to stop dissociation: window of tolerance Because our main goal is to stay within the window of tolerance, skills for the red/blue area should become rare interventions, while we learn how to regulate ourselves within the yellow area (dotted line) before […]
The Distant Observer (Mindfulness)
With the distant observer we imitate something, that most of us experienced through dissociation. We will take an inner position that makes it possible to watch ourselves and what is going on inside of us from a distance. Not a detached, dissociated state, but the dispassionate ideal of mindfulness. Mindfulness is a form of guided […]
Mourning Loss (SystemWork)
Recently we had to say goodbye to a T. Someone we trusted enough to speak freely. Someone we allowed to see the things going on in the system. Someone in whose company we didn’t feel ashamed. There is no way to describe the extend of a loss like this. The whole system suffers. Some feel […]
It’s magic: Invisibility (for scared Littles)
A friend, who is the mother of a very creative child herself, taught me, that using a little fantasy doesn’t do any harm and that faith in some weekday magic can help with stability, comfort and calm. That is why I will tap into my small “magic” gift whenever it seems necessary. As long as […]
How to STOPP flashbacks (5 steps)
No matter how much you avoid, flashbacks will happen. And sometimes the effects can linger for hours or days. But it doesn’t have to be that way. We usually use the STOPP method to step out of flashbacks quickly and completely. “Stop!” out loud, when you notice what is going on. We like to […]
Overcoming helplessness: exercise your free will
The biblical word “repent” actually doesn’t mean to say you are sorry. It literally means “change the way you think”. It’s a transformation that goes deeper than mere words. Traumatized people often learned that they don’t have a choice. They felt helpless and they continue to feel helpless. But today offers choices. You are […]