Is getting a formal diagnosis important? Yes and no and yes. Yes, because it will show you were to research to gain better understanding of what is going on with you and where to find help. It opens the door for you to find healing. No because it is just a label for your symptoms, […]
Epiphany #2: The Truth
Just because you believe something doesn’t make it true. Just because you refuse to believe something doesn’t make it go away. Just because you can’t remember something doesn’t mean it never happened. And just because you remember something doesn’t mean it is the only thing that happened. Just because someone else believes something it […]
Epiphany #1: The Problem
The most important step in problem solving is to find the problem. If you cannot define what that is, how are you going to solve it? Your behavior is usually not the problem. It is a solution to your problem. It might be a bad solution, but still, it is a response to your problem, […]
Reflections of a former hoarder
This post is more personal than what we usually write. We couldn’t find any „therapy“ tools for hoarding. All we have is our own experience. This is our story: I grew up in a hoarder household. For many years it looked like I would become a hoarder too. When I started to heal things […]
guilt – a christian solution
One of the main themes of the Bible is the question of how to solve the problem of sin and guilt. Guilt is as old as mankind, starting with Adam and Eve, who made a free choice to break the one rule given to them “do not eat from this tree”. The rest of the […]
Story of a Listener
This is a story someone in our system once wrote Once upon a time in a distant country there was a millers son named Robin. He was a younger son, so he did not inherit the mill, which wasn’t bad at all cause he didn’t care about milling that much. He spent his […]
How to find comfort when you can’t stand touch: weighted blankets
Touch is a basic need, yet for some it has become frightening, triggering and unbearable. Touch is one of the strongest way we can experience comfort: in contact with another person by being hugged and held. Its important. It is desperately needed. Yet often it is impossible. Stay with me when I explain how we […]