IRRT stands for Imagery Rescripting and Reprocessing Therapy. It is a technique for processing trauma memories that mainly uses imagery and self states to resolve situations that are stuck. Instead of blunt exposure we change the story in our head and take care of our younger self to achieve changes in our symptoms. IRRT […]
Cornerstones of the therapeutic relationship
Dr. Karen Treisman writes about the therapeutic relationship: The relationships are the glue and the magic that make the strategies meaningful, purposeful, and therapeutic. This is in line with the sayings ‘Relational trauma requires relational repair’ and ‘Relational repair requires safe hands, thinking minds, and regulated bodies’. Without the relationship to anchor to, the […]
Dealing with trance logic in dissociative disorders
Trance logic describes logical glitches that can exist when people get hypnotized and enter a trance state. In that state of mind we can accept statements as true even though they deeply contradict each other. We simply don’t notice that they can’t possibly be true at the same time. Nothing is questioned or reality-checked, it […]
Reenacting trauma patterns in therapy: neglect
Navigating attachment and dependency in therapy has always been difficult. Developmental trauma just adds a deep sense of desperation to the problem and makes it more complicated. There is a lot written about unhealthy dependency in therapy and how to avoid it. Today I want to shine a light on the effect that chronic […]
PEP- an additional technique for trauma therapy
PEP stands for Process- and Embodiment-focused Psychology. Like EFT it is rooted in Energy Psychology but it has moved away from these roots considerably and rejects the unscientific/new-age aspects. Tapping is still an important part of this technique, but it is complemented by cognitive interventions and is therefore useful for more than just emotional […]
EFT for self-regulation
EFT stands for Emotional Freedom Technique and belongs into the category of Energy Psychology, the roots are in Traditional Chinese Medicine though. Different acupressure points on the body are tapped with the fingers while speaking sentences that combine the distressing experience and a self-affirmation. Tapping energetic pathways running through the body (meridians) to influence […]
Learning relaxation with biofeedback
Trauma is not a ‘mental’ disorder, the whole body suffers from chronic stress. It sits deeply within our nervous system. Our traumatized body will struggle with relaxation and sometimes we have been tense for so many years that we actually don’t know how to relax and what that even feels like. Biofeedback technology can help […]
Reenacting trauma patterns in therapy: behavioral control
Trauma is often treated with a combination of behavioral therapy and more specific techniques to process the trauma. There are areas where CBT or other therapies that focus on behavior like DBT can interact with our own trauma-related patterns and reinforce abusive lessons we learned as children. These aren’t always obvious reenactments and our Ts […]
Releasing traumatic energy (body work)
A basic exercise in body work focuses on releasing tension or energy that is stuck in the body so that we can let go and regulate in a natural way. I will walk you through the steps as I learned them, using an example from my own therapy that is hopefully not triggering for you. […]
The Clay Field – alternative treatment of developmental trauma
Work with The Clay Field is a mix of all kinds of therapy concepts. We can see elements of art therapy, Jungian symbolism, gestalt therapy and sensorimotor therapy. I like to think of it as a form of body work where the main body-focus is on the hands and on experiencing things with our hands […]
Discussing EMDR for the treatment of complex PTSD with structural dissociation
Now that we have looked at the standard protocol for EMDR and how it can be adapted for DID, we want to discuss the technique based on our own experience with it. As always, we are focusing on the treatment of complex trauma with structural dissociation. Some people don’t trust EMDR because it is […]
EMDR: The Progressive Approach for severe Trauma 2
It is not rare for DID or subforms to get diagnosed after an EMDR session went terribly, terribly wrong. Once we understand why the basic protocol for EMDR can stir up so much within a system that patients get overwhelmed, we will look at a different approach to EMDR that can make processing safer and […]