There are different schools of yoga and, while using a modified version of hatha yoga, trauma-sensitive yoga can be seen as its own school. It means that trauma-sensitive yoga is not automatically what you get when you take a class in a yoga center. You need to ask about it specifically. If you can’t find […]
Trauma-sensitive Yoga: The why to
The more research is done regarding the treatment of cPTSD the clearer it becomes that approaches like talk therapy and exposure have their limits. Talk therapy misses the fact that it is our body that stores traumatic memories and many chronically traumatized patients never reach the stability needed for successful exposure. One useful addition to […]
Unspecific Body Work
We tend to think of PTSD as a mental illness when really a huge part of it is physical. It is not just our world view, the patterns in our thinking and our relationships that make up PTSD, it is also hyper/hypoarousal, hypervigilance, flight/fight response, chronic stress and intense emotions, all physical experiences. We can […]
Transitional objects in trauma therapy
Sometimes Ts offer transitional objects to take home with you til your next appointment, especially when they plan to go on a vacation or when things are a little shaky. What is that all about? And how is it supposed to help? For many survivors their T and the Ts office are like a […]
DBT-PTSD for treating cPTSD with complex dissociation
DBT-PTSD, also called DBT-PE, is a relatively new 12-week inpatient program designed to treat cPTSD with severe comorbid disorders like dissociation. It combines elements from classic DBT with Prolonged Exposure (PE) as trauma confrontation technique. In a nutshell Before starting: You will be tested, if you meet the criteria. DBT-PTSD is aimed at people […]
TRIMB: a gentle approach to Trauma Reprocessing
[ATTENTION: This article explains a method for trauma treatment. Do not try this for yourself. Do not try this with a T who is not trained to do it. This is not a „teaching“ or self-help article. It is only meant to inform you about a basic strategy and is overly simplified.] TRIMB® was […]
The 3 Phases of Therapy 2: Trauma Work
Trauma and DID therapists commonly agree on working with a 3-phase-model. It describes an order in which to do work for the best, fastest and safest results. In an attempt to keep articles short we will share about the different phases in separate articles. The 3 phases are Stabilization Trauma work Integration The separation […]
Therapy: The initial interview (cPTSD)
Before you decide to work with a T, there is usually a first interview, where T and patient can get to know each other. You will get the most out of your interview if you prepare for it. The following questions should help you to get a good measure of the T, how they work […]
The 3 Phases of Therapy 1: Stabilization
Trauma and DID therapists commonly agree on working with a 3-phase-model. It describes an order in which to do work for the best, fastest and safest results. In an attempt to keep articles short we will share about the different phases in separate articles. The 3 phases are Stabilization Trauma work Integration Here is […]
SystemWork in a Sand Tray
A sand tray is especially interesting when working with a DID system. Things become visible, tangible. We are using an „Inner world technique“. Maps A sand tray can help you with mapping. You can find figures or symbols for all of you and place them in the tray in a way that describes your […]
Trauma Therapy in a Sand Tray
The idea of using a sand tray for therapy is almost 90 years old. There are two main directions this idea took: what is today best known as „world technique“ (Lowenfeld) and on the other hand sand tray therapy (Kalff). The second is a Jung-oriented psycho-analytical approach that isn’t of any interest for us (analysis […]
Aromatherapy part 2 (essential oils for depression and dissociation)
This is the second part of our interview with an aromatherapist, discussing how essential oils can be used to support people with PTSD. In this part we will speak about depression and dissociation. You can find the first part here Aromatherapy part 1 (essential oils for anxiety and insomnia) Theresa: We are back with more […]