The voice of shame tells us that we are all alone. Nobody else experiences the same things.
Nobody else is wearing a mask all the time and never lets anyone see the real person behind it.
Nobody else keeps up the pretense at work and crumbles once the apartment door closes behind them.
Nobody else sits in the closet or behind the couch or under a blanket, too scared to come out.
Nobody else fails their spouse, kids or co-workers because they aren’t in touch with their emotions or forget important things.
Nobody else struggles with intimacy or being touched or saying loving things to loved ones, out loud.
Nobody else keeps falling for the wrong people because their interpersonal radar is broken.
Nobody else is too scared to sleep in a bed or sleeps only with lights and TV on.
Nobody else is unable to set boundaries or say no and allows people to push them around.
Nobody else was incapable of getting help and rescue themselves as a child.
Nobody else needs help for simple tasks like grocery shopping.
Nobody else cannot trust.
Nobody else finds no way to get comfort for all the emotional pain and does problematic things to numb themselves.
Nobody else ever got retraumatized.
Nobody else ever loses control, dissociates or has flashbacks in public.
Nobody else has horrible parts that do horrible things.
Nobody else has secrets that are unspeakable.
Shame is a liar. Ask other survivors. You are not alone.
(Count how many of these things are true for you and share the number in the comments.)
12…thank you for the reminder
12 as well
12… or 13
Thanks for this
10 – Wow – this really hit home!
14+ loss for words at the moment. Your website is a nightlight that I leave on all of the time lately.