The following is our version of the basic light exercise.
It can help you regulate your thoughts and feelings, decrease sensory memory (body flashbacks) and help you to relax and get grounded.
Working with a cleansing light is especially helpful when imagery of water is a problem for you.
Please find a comfortable position that helps you to feel safe and supported.
You can close your eyes or soften your gaze while you look at something in the room,
or take turns, whatever you feel like.
Maybe you can find your attention and carefully lead it to your breathing. Notice how the air flows in – and out. Stay here for a few breaths while you relax.
When you are ready, you can imagine the presence of a light. That could be a beam of sunlight, silver moonlight, a crystal, lamp, stars, a spotlight or whatever comes to your mind. Do you want it to be bright white, or rather warm orange or cooling blue? You can find the exact shade that is good for you right now. Maybe you can play with the color a little to find something that suits you. Does your light smell like something? Does it have a sound?
If you like you can invite the light to come inside and shine in the places that feel dark.
You might observe how it shines down on the top of your head, filling it with cleansing light. When it touches your head it clears all your dark thoughts. It shines into your memories and brings forth those of light, calm and happiness. Your whole brain gets filled with peaceful, steady light and new clarity. Take your time to let the light fill your whole head.
If you feel like it you can take a deep breath.
When you are ready you can invite more light to come in and fill you up. Maybe now the light reaches down to your ribcage. You can feel how to touches your heart and chases away the darkness. Where there have been the shadows of heavy feelings you can now see love, illuminated by your wonderful light. There is the love others have shown you and also a growing amount of love you feel for yourself. Maybe you can add a little bit to that today. Allow the light to fill every corner of your heart and make it feel lighter and lighter.
If you feel like it you can take a deep breath.
When you are ready you can invite more light to come. You can let it flow through your belly and lower body. The light is not afraid of what it might encounter here, because it knows that shadows ALWAYS flee from it. Be gentle when you let the light shine into every corner. If you are in pain or remembering pain, invite the healing light to touch you in that area. It might be warm, or cool and it will dissolve the pain into harmless sparks of more light. Let the cleansing light touch everything that feels dirty or dark and notice how it spreads peace and calm, wisdom and compassion. Gentle and caring the light covers you inside. You have all the time you need for this.
If you like you can take a deep breath.
When you are ready you can invite even more light to come. You can let it flow down your arms and legs like cleansing and relaxing waterfalls. Let it fill you all the way down to your fingertips and to your toes. The light is refreshing your muscles and strengthens your hands and your feet, your roots that ground you in the Here and Now. Maybe you can even feel how the light is connecting your feet to the floor.
Your whole being is now flooded with peaceful light. It fills every part of your being with its healing and cleansing power. Maybe you can feel it from your head to your toes. If you like, you can invite it to shine even brighter now.
Enjoy this feeling of relaxation and lightness. maybe you can take a deep breath.
Stay here as long as you like.
When you are ready you can find your attention and slowly lead it back to the room. Notice the position of your body, your chair or where you are sitting, the sounds you can hear. Maybe you want to stretch out or yawn. Finally you can open your eyes, look around and return your awareness to the room.
You can also use only part of this exercise, if you need light in just a certain spot.
Some like to install a light in a certain area that is often troubling for them, so they just have to turn it on. You can use different colors of light in different areas too or let the light change its color over time.
Some people find it uncomfortable to invite light inside their body. We will soon share options that might suit you better, as the light will stay outside.
I hope you will give this a try and if you do, come back and tell me how it worked out for you!
Audio female voice
Find the basics here: introduction to guided imagery
Thank you for posting this script & sharing your beautiful recording.
I was recently diagnosed with CPTSD. Your meditation reminds me of a healing practice I had 30 years ago…I have been searching for a similar script ever since.
I look forward to exploring the rest of your website as I move forward in my process of healing.
Thank you again & best wishes for your future 🙂