A friend, who is the mother of a very creative child herself, taught me, that using a little fantasy doesn’t do any harm and that faith in some weekday magic can help with stability, comfort and calm.
That is why I will tap into my small “magic” gift whenever it seems necessary. As long as the child believes in the trick it surely turns out to be helpful. But it also works, when there is no doubt that I am just goofing, simply because there is a calming effect in the activity or imagination itself. It shows, that the problem is taken seriously enough to act and that loving care is put into motion on the child’s behalf. Sometimes doing something, anything, does more for the inner connection and sense of safety and trust, than having perfect understanding and knowing the exact tools to use.
Becoming invisible
Some Littles are very timid and scared when it comes to contact with the outside world or meeting strangers.
In most cases it is enough when they can hide at an inner Safe Place. They don’t have to stick around for difficult situations.
But there are times, when the Safe Place just isn’t enough. This was the case, when we decided to go inpatient for some specific therapy. Our timid child was hardly able to hide for several weeks in a row! She expressed great fear that she, her stuffies and toys or other Littles might be visible and get noticed.
To met her in her initial insecurities about the clinic in a way that won’t make her feel like she has to hide and be trapped Inside, we used a small magic trick.

“invisible” stuffies
We spontaneously decided to create invisibility charms.
Those could be made out of anything that seems logical at that moment. Maybe glass beads, translucent tape, camo coloured wool, reflective tinfoil etc. Keep it simple and use what is at hand.
Everything that was not supposed to be visible for clinic staff or other patients got a small charm to make sure that everything was safe and nobody could find out any secrets.
It is helpful to give shape to it on the Inside as well as on the Outside, so there won’t be panic, if anything should happen to the Outside charm.
Over time we were able to establish greater security with the clinic and the charms slowly lost their importance.
There are many ways to induce invisibility.
Clothes: maybe you can imagine magic clothes or you can pick an item you actually own, that you can easily wear, when invisibility might be needed. Like Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak. But a certain scarf or belt would work just as well.
Movement: maybe there is a magic sign or hand signal that turns (some of) you invisible. It can be done with the body, but also on the Inside.
Words: maybe you want to pick a special magic word or a secret spell only you know about. It can be spoken Inside or Outside and will work at once.
Foodstuff: you can also take a magic potion or a potion pill (hard candy). Just pick a certain flavor and keep it close til it’s needed.
As always, these things can also be combined. The more you stay independent from actual outside objects, the easier it will be available when needed. Still, sometimes it does need something visible to support the imagination.
I hope this insight into basic magic inspires you to get creative yourself.
Really good read, thank you for this! It’s coming at just the right time for us as our littles are going through some major fear.
Have you tried “the magic store” exercise yet? you can find it here
be safe