In this guided imagery we will explore a special store full of magical items that can help us get through the day. The idea is to add strength where we feel weak, increase a sense of safety and protection and grow courage for tricky situations ahead. Some might want to start their day with this exercise as a part of getting ready, others use it when there are special challenges ahead or during times when everything inside feels more vulnerable and exposed or shaky. Please make sure to use your own imagination and add items that seem useful to you. This exercise is written to include dissociative parts but you can use it just as well if you don’t have any.
Find a comfortable position that makes you feel stable and supported. You can do this exercise sitting or laying down, whatever feels right today. Take a moment to check if your position feels just right and make small changes as needed. Then you can close your eyes or soften your gaze and take a few breaths to center your mind in the present moment.
When you are ready your imagination can lead you to the place where the magic store is. It could be a hidden building or exist in plain sight. You can decide if maybe it is like a modern department store or more like an ancient little place stuffed with fantastic items. As you step into the store you can look around and take it all in. Maybe it is airy and fresh or it smells like spices or oranges, beeswax and old books. Notice the light, maybe it is clear and bright or there are special lamps or some other sources of light that are more mysterious. Maybe there is music somewhere or murmuring or the sound of an indoor fountain or other comforting little noises.
Then you could look around and take in what the store has to offer. Maybe there are aisle or separate corners for different things, shelves, boxes or drawers you could discover. There is something helpful for every situation. And as you look around you can see the section for protective clothing, with lots of different cloaks and suits and headgear. Your hands can brush through the different fabrics and textures until you find something that feels just right. Maybe it is a protective cloak and it has just the color that fits today’s mood. As you take it to try it on you notice that it has just the right weight. That could be light as a feather or heavy as a weighted blanket or anything in between, whatever you need to feel today. And as you wrap it around you it fits just the way you want it. Maybe it is huge so you can hide inside or it supports your back and lifts your head a little bit. It could have a hood or pockets or any other helpful things.
And because all things in the magic store are a bit magical you can explore what special properties the cloak has. What is it that you would need it to do for you today? Maybe it can make you invisible to scary people so you don’t have to be worried about them watching you. Or it could have a magical filter for all the demands, bad moods or emotional atmospheres other people might throw at you so that nothing can reach your inner core. It could just bounce off the cloak like rain from a rain jacket. Or maybe it has hidden armor that protects you from all attacks, like a kevlar vest so nothing can harm you. Or it has pockets of energy you can draw from, extra warmth for when you feel alone or the cloak can give hugs when needed. Maybe it has an extra support in the back that helps you stand proud and not give in when challenged. Whatever it is that you need today, the cloak can have that magical ability so it can protect you and keep you safe and support you. When you feel that it is just right you can leave the cloak on and decide if you need something else for what lies ahead of you today. There is no need to worry about money, everything is free in this store and you can borrow and return things as you like.
When you and all other parts think of the situation ahead of you and you sense all the helpful properties of your cloak, you can check if there is anything missing. Every part can check if they feel protected and taken care of or if there is still a need that has to be met. If there are still worries left you can get curious about what could be helpful. The store is full of wonderful items that can do all kinds of things. There could be protective bubbles that can surround certain parts or amulets that do just what is needed. Maybe there are instruments and when you play them the melody takes care of things. Or magical marbles and when you break them a wall appears and your boundaries are safe. You might also find animal friends that can speak and keep you company or magical means to make the older parts hear you better when you need help. And maybe younger parts would like extra clothes, protective suits or armor, just to be sure. Whatever comes to your mind is ok.
Then you can check again to see if you have everything you need right now and if everyone is satisfied with the things they got. Add items or make changes as needed. And when it feels just right you can take a few deep breaths to let that feeling sink in a little deeper. You are going to be ok. If you like, you can pick a secret gesture to remind you of this feeling and of your cloak and protective items. You alone know what it means and you can do the gesture during the day to remind yourself of this feeling.
And holding on to that feeling, you can slowly return to the room you are in, look around and move a little and arrive in the here and now. Even though nobody can see it, your cloak and your other items are going to be with you today.
Audio female voice
You can find more ‘magic’ for younger parts here and how to use it to dissolve the influence of nightmares here.
Hi Theresa
M***’s T taught her about the Magic Store. I think it’s a wonderful concept and really demonstrates the power of the mind to effect one’s experience of reality.
Yes, someone picked up the Invisibility Cloak. Erin came out in the most beautiful hand-crafted fighting armor. She looked amazing. Emma picked up some magic books, spells and all.
Unfortunately, all things that Man can use they invariably turn to misusing. When M*** first disappeared, one of the Alters had gone to the Magic Store for a sleeping potion and had put all the other Alters to sleep. That’s happened on a few occasions since then.
M*** closed the Magic Store after approximately the 5th sleeping potion induced System coma.
Is there a Guardian of the Magic Store that can be created to ensure that it isn’t abused?
Take care… Brett
if you think you need a guardian you can create one. you could also create counter-measures and get immune.
the problem with all that is that it is treating the symptomes, not the problem.
the problem is that her system is at war with each other. every attempt to control each other, using the magic store or any other tool available, just adds to the war.
if that was us we might have closed the store too until we could find a common ground of respecting each other.
when at war everything will be used as a weapon.
I don’t have a solution for your wife. they need to find a way to end their war. I wonder why they keep it up. it must be a terrible thing to survive every day.
Hi Theresa
I know. I’ve been asking myself the same question every day. And I’ve been asking her: why is your default behavior to fight?
She does it with me. Instead of listening to a suggestion, she immediately retaliates and attacks.
I suppose it’s the ‘beaten dog’ effect. But, it clearly isn’t working for her anymore. And everyone has given her so much support over the years that we’d hoped she would’ve moved on from there.
Thank you for your reply. It all helps… Take care. Brett
we are writing on something about relationship dynamics right now that has been key to stop our inner war.
i hope to finish this week. our host started doing it regardless of what the others did and it turned our inner relationships around.
its the best i have to share. i promise to do my best to write well.